Saturday, June 25, 2016

Origami Tunic

When my friend Jess  did a destash and offered me to come and go through what she was getting rid of, I jumped at the chance. 
Who doesn't 'need' more fabric? 
Especially when it's free! 
One piece I picked out was a decent sized, somewhat sheer, knit piece with a bit of sheen to it. 
I had in mind to make a maxi skirt or the like, but after some debating how best to go about lining it, I decided it best to not use it as a skirt but to use it as a flowy top. 

I went through my pattern library, (Yes, I think I can call it a library by now....) and chose to finally make the Origami Tunic by Love Notions. 
I've had this pattern for a long time but never had just the right fabric for it. 
I love the handkerchief hem, and the flowiness (is that a word?) of the top. 

It works perfectly with my black band pants. pants. From high school. 
Back in those days we had to wear black pants and a white shirt. 
I only wore them for band and once or twice since we've been married. 
So, they're still in great shape and amazingly still fit. 
Perfect to dress up a little without really dressing up. 

I actually ordered some more fabric to make another one. 
At least that's the plan. 
And plans may change....

Friday, June 24, 2016

Real Life Real Sewing

1. What do you look for when choosing a sewing project?

I look for practicality and *usually* if it fits into a need. I do sew some fun projects that don't fill an immediate need or are not practical per se, but for the most part, the items I sew need to be wearable, usable, sell-able, or pretty enough to hang up. 

2.  Is there anything you would like to (or wish you could) do differently when selecting projects?

I sometimes wish I could plan better so that I'd have more of an interchangeable wardrobe for each person instead of certain items that can only be worn with certain other items. 
In other words, I need to do more fabric shopping! Ha! 

3. What is your most used/worn sewing project? This either could be of all time or currently.

I think right now it is my daughter's blue Camille dress. 
She'll take it off the rack even if it's damp, and I have to tell her to wait until it is completely dry again before wearing it.
I actually had to mend it last week...she had snagged it on something and made a huge tear in it.
For myself, it would have to be my Seena Dolman top that I made out of a super comfy Girl Charlee knit.
I've worn holes into it!
All time most used/worn, I think it'd have to be the rag blankets I made for the kids' beds. 
They use them every night, and they're great for making forts as well! 

4. Do you have a project that you thought would be used/worn frequently but just did not end up working out?

A dungaree dress I made for my daughter.
She loved it, I loved it, but the closures I bought were junk.
They didn't stay shut, so if my daughter wasn't careful, she'd lose her dress while playing.
And, then the buttons for the closures kept falling off as well, no matter how tightly I sewed them on, the thread holding them on would wear through after a couple of wears.
If you have any tips on how to keep those types of closures from ruining an outfit, please let me in on it! 
I also sewed up a pair of boxers for my husband (which never got blogged about for obvious reasons) from the Thread Theory Comox Trunks pattern, but he didn't like the fit on them and only wore them once. 
They lie dejected in his closet. 

5. What is your favorite tip or quote that applies to sewing for real life?

-Make it wearable, make it practical.-

-Make/wear what you like and are comfortable in--not necessarily what is the latest fashion.-

Do you have any examples of Real Life, Real Sewing to show off? You can play along by using the #realliferealsewing on social media. 
You can also win one of two $25 gift cards. 

Be sure to visit the other participants on the tour!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Make Laundry, Don't Do Laundry Blog Tour

(This post contains affiliate links. Thank-you for clicking through and buying using my affiliate links--it helps pay for my sewing!) 

When I had the opportunity to join in on this tour, I had to. 
I had to because it is a bit of a joke around here about my Mount Washmore. 
You know--the mountain of laundry that is clean, but is waiting to be folded, and that everyone digs through to get the clothes they need. 
It makes it even more ironic that since I was a kid, my laundry folding skills were abysmal and my mom often made me refold the laundry I had folded rather haphazardly. 
I still fold it that way, when I get to it.
 Sorry Mom! 

It is true that instead of folding the laundry at night when I could sit down and do that in peace, I'd rather sit behind my sewing machine and ironically make even more laundry! 
(Nevermind the prewashing of the fabrics that go into my sewing hobby...) 

My first project that is a go-to sew that adds to my lovely mountain that continually grows, are the Go-To Leggings
This is my favorite legging pattern for my girls, and is a super quick sew...especially when you make them assembly-line style. About 20 minutes each.

I made four pairs. I only got pictures of two of them since the other two have already joined my laundry mountain.

Next up, I made a pair of shorts from the Tree Climber Trousers pattern.
From start to finish, I'd say it took me about two hours, and that included cutting the fabric, and all the fun top stitching.
Don't mind the wrinkled shorts...they had gone through the laundry a couple of times before I had a chance to actually photograph them, and they're from a very wrinkle-prone fabric. 
Who has time for ironing clothes?

Now, I have a child who is very petite, and getting him enough clothes that fit without having to dig through the laundry pile daily is an important thing for me.
So, when his pants became too short, and wore through the knees, I thought I'd transition them into shorts. 

I didn't want to just leave them as cut-offs, so after cutting, I hemmed them and reattached a button that had fallen off a long time ago.
A quick 10 minute fix! 

Thanks for reading this far--now the exciting part--a giveaway!

Make sure to enter the giveaway featuring the above designers (Yes, you can even win a pattern of choice from my shop!) 

We have some great prize packages to be won and there's a link up too, so come join in the fun!