I've never sewn a real coat before.
Well, other than when I first started sewing and sewed up a size 3 coat for my then 3 year old. I had followed the measurements exactly, re-measured my son a number of times and compared his measurements to the size chart, and was super excited. He had picked out the lining fabric on his own, and I stretched my sewing skills with a zipper and fully lining a coat. Then he tried it on. He was swimming in it. Seriously. Now, 5 years later, he can still wear the thing. I could have made him a 6 month size and it may have fit him at 3. That was one of the paper patterns from one of the big pattern companies.
So, fit wise, my first and only other coat sewing experience was a complete failure.
But, I wanted to stretch my sewing experience and when I had the opportunity to sew up the
Provence Pea Coat from Winter Wear Design, I only hesitated briefly, and that was only because I wanted to be sure I could finish the coat by the time it was due.
What a different experience!
I used the size chart and according to that I graded two sizes together since my measurements spanned two sizes.
You can see the results below.
At over $40 per metre at Fabricland, I opted not to go with a really warm Melton wool.
I wouldn't dare to cut into the fabric!
So, I went with a much more reasonably priced wool suiting in a beautiful black and purple plaid.
The lining is broadcloth. I had picked out a different lining fabric from the clearance section that was nicer, but because it had no original price on it, they wouldn't sell it to me. I even asked the manager if he could just make up a price. But he refused.
Rather nervously I cut into the fabric, and then started the process of sewing.
All the different pieces make it a bit of a longer process, but really add to the shape/fit of the coat.
Other than grading the pattern, the only thing I did different, to avoid hand sewing, is to add seam allowances to the sleeve lining and facing, and then to sew the sleeve lining to the sleeve main by pulling the sleeve through the opening and stitching them right sides together. After turning it right side out again and pressing I top stitched to give it a clean finish.
I love the pockets as well, and they were definitely needed while taking pictures. It was -30 C below with wind chill up here in sunny Alberta. And, with the coat not being a thick Melton wool, it's not quite able to keep the cold out in that kind of weather.
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