Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Modest Swimwear! A Blog Tour

I have always hated swimming suits on myself. 
There I said it. 
I dislike how they show most of my body, I dislike how uncomfortable I feel in them.
So....why did I join in on this blog tour?
Because I'm excited to share a modest swimming suit that does not make me feel uncomfortable.

After years of trying different swimming suits--all of them failing in the comfortable-ness (is that even a word?!) department, I decided to make my own.
And, not with an actual swimsuit pattern.
So...that is what I did!
I can now post a picture of myself in a swimsuit on the internet.

Patterns used:
Patterns for Pirate's Layer Me Up Shirt
Fabric is from Marshalls Fabrics in Edmonton.

The Lille I used the sports bra version and then the Layer Me Up is the top shirt. 
For the bottom, I attached both the Leggings and the A-Line Skirt to the yoga waistband. 
I did modify the skirt a little with side panels as the fabric has less stretch than the recommended fabric and it was hard to move in it.
But, I'm thrilled with how it turned out....I can now go swimming in comfort! 

Grand Prize:
Two ways to enter: Enter the Grand Prize Rafflecopter, and/or post a swimwear item you’ve sewn on Instagram. Readers can enter more than once on Instagram but must use a different photo/different sewn swim item per entry. (Ie. multiple photos of the same outfit only count as one entry).
Items allowed: swimsuits and swim coverups for the entire family (women, men, children).
To enter on IG: Post your photo and use the hashtag #SwimsuitEditionTour and tag @luluandceleste and @debzaleski in your post.
Items can only have been sewn since the beginning of June 2017. Closes July 2nd 11:59 pm EDT.

More details here: Instagram Contest

Prize: Phat Quarters $25 (USD) gift card + Boo Designs $100 (AUD) gift card + Sewing by Ti -$20 (USD) gift card + Made by Jack's Mum - swim pdf pattern bundle


And, to win today's giveaway,  5 out of 4 - 1 pattern of choice + Fabric Fairy $30 (USD) gift card enter the rafflecopter below!
Giveaway closes at 11:59 pm EST Wednesday night.

Be sure to check out all the other amazing swimsuits that have been sewn for this tour!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Military Messenger Bag: A New Pattern

(This post contains affiliate links!)

I'm a little late in announcing it here, but if you've been following along on Facebook, you may have seen/heard that there is a new pattern out! 
And, what is even more exciting is that it is in One Thimble. 
That's right--right now it is exclusively available from One Thimble--either in Issue 15 or as a stand-alone pattern. 

This is the blurb I came up with about it: 

Inspired by my sons' love of anything military, I designed this bag as a book bag for pre-teens and teenagers. However, depending on your fabric choice, it works great for adults as well, as it includes a longer strap option for adults. Both strap options are adjustable.
The main features include the bellow pockets on the front, highlighted by the grommets. Also, the bag is reinforced by webbing that goes all the way around the sides and bottom to make sure that your creation will withstand the rigors of lugging books and other items. 
There are two options included. Option 1 is an asymmetrical flap with one pocket while Option 2 is a symmetrical flap with two pockets. Or, you can leave the pockets off and applique, embroider, or otherwise decorate the flap--the possibilities are endless!
This pattern includes printable pattern pieces and clear instructions with full color pictures. 
Finished size is approximately: 
Height: 12" Width: 10.75" and Depth 2"

Both my boys LOVE their bags! 
They take their Bibles and notebooks to Church in them, and they look pretty cool in the meantime. 

Fabrics used are a brown denim from Canadian National Fabric, and the rest are a camo twill type fabric and two quilting cottons from my stash. 
Hardware is from Emmaline Bags and the webbing from Cleaners Supply. 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Vintage Dresdens

Quite some time ago, I bought a Dresden ruler with the hopes of one day using it.
That day finally came after a friend gave me a stack of vintage fabric.

I wanted to showcase the pretty florals but was afraid to piece a complete quilt out of them as they are vintage and not as strong as they once were. 
So, I pulled out the Dresden ruler and gave it a go.
It was so easy to make them! 

Instead of making 3 whole Dresden 'stars' I made one and two halves that I finished off by turning the raw edges in by 1/4" and then just stitching them on that way. 

The base fabric is yarn-dyed Essex linen and then the backing is also some vintage fabric as is the binding. I really like how the polka dot fabric cut on the bias made for such a fun pattern on the binding. Unintentional but a great surprise!

I will admit--the quilting is not perfect on here. 
The section where the lines curve--that happened while I was going into labour. 
I was sewing during contractions, trying to finish up before deciding whether or not to head into the hospital.
(I did end up going in and sure enough, by 4 the next morning our 6th child was born!)
I ended up binding it 3 weeks later--eager to get it off my desk and onto the table where it now adds a vintage touch to the living room.

(affiliate links)

Friday, June 2, 2017

My Handmade World--Book Review

After proofreading and testing Sew Snappy  (the English version of Zo Geknipt), I was thrilled when Meteoor Books contacted me again to test and proofread My Handmade World.

I had no idea what pattern I would be sent and was super excited to be sent the cute Hedgehog Doorstop! 

It's a relatively easy sew--I would say intermediate or adventurous beginner as you need to be comfortable sewing faux leather, sewing curves, working with poly-fill, and hand sewing. 

I was pretty thrilled when I got the actual book in the mail so I could review it--it is gorgeous!
The photography is superb and the projects look like so much fun. 

Here is a picture of the Table of Contents.
There are some really cute projects that would be perfect for gift-giving! 

This is on my 'want-to-sew' list. 
Maybe I'll get to it for a baby gift...

And, because I always like to see what the inside and back of a book looks like, here is a picture of an example of instruction photos: 

And, the back cover:

It is available for pre-order from Amazon! 
(affiliate links) 
