So, I thought I'd join in on the fun and show you where I sew and what I sew on. I have done a previous post about my
sewing machine, but I'll recap some here...
This is my sewing machine--a Janome 4120 QDC.
This was a birthday present from my dear husband--about 2.5 months before my birthday...
My old Shark had given up and the old Elna I had gotten for a wedding present, I just could not figure out. Plus, there was no bobbins for it that I could find and I really did not want to spend a fortune on bobbins, etc from E-bay when I did not even know if I could figure it out.
So, in came this sewing machine. I was intent on getting a Pfaff ambition, and was so certain that that was what I'd get. Until I tested them both and really liked this one better--a lot better.
I have NOT named it and really don't intend too--I was very picky about any stickers being put on and was disappointed that my sewing machine shop put one on after I had brought it in for maintenance...
So, that is my machine, very briefly. If you want to hear a bit more about it, you can check out that other post
Here is my sewing space:
It's an L-shaped desk where I have one half for sewing and often my husband will be sitting behind me doing his Spanish on the computer. I admit, I often take up more than my fair share--I actually tidied up before I took the pictures. And, in that left-hand corner, I have a plastic bag where I throw in all my scraps that are pretty much un-usable, though I do sometimes dig in there and find things I can use--as do my children! Under that is my old shark and the quilting table extension for my machine plus my cutting mat and rulers. I also have my thread in a plastic bin there as well as things like rotary cutter, safety pins, fabric markers, needles, etc.

And, here is where I store some of my fabric (flannel on the right, knits on the left) plus there are my patterns in the green bag, all in individual large ziploc bags. My sewing books are beside that green bag, to the right and to the left is my interfacing, wonder-under, zippers, buttons, bias-tape, etc. This is in my laundry room, right across from where I sew, in a tiny, relatively dark room that is squishy.
My ironing board against one wall, and I can turn around in the middle to reach over to grab stuff out of those cupboards (above picture) above my washing machine and dryer.
This stack of bins with the rest of my fabric stash is right behind the laundry room door, right beside my ironing board. (From top to bottom, knits, quilting cotton, home-dec/and heavier fabrics.)
I'd LOVE to have my own sewing room where I could put up shelves to put my fabric stash on. But, the benefit of this set-up right now is that I am in the main area of the house so I can keep an eye on my four kids while I sew, and in that way I can actually sew while the kids are up. Plus, it's nice to just spend time close to my husband in the evenings--even if that means sitting almost back to back!
Oh, and in other news, here is the last fat-eighth bundle that I won from
Randi at
Fresh-Squeezed Fabrics. Love this bundle, and have to figure out what I'll do with them yet!