**Giveaway Closed**
This has been on my mind for quite some time now.
My heart goes out to those women who find themselves pregnant unexpectedly. Either teenagers or women who have no means to support a child, etc.
And, I want to help--I really do. But, how do I go about helping these women, to in a small way encourage those who choose life for their child and also to encourage more women to do the same?
In Edmonton, just 40 minutes away, there is a
Pregnancy Care Centre. This is a place that women who unexpectedly find themselves pregnant can go and get help--physical help, information, counselling, etc.
A couple of months ago, I emailed the local one here in Edmonton and this is what she told me when I asked how, as sewists can we help? What do they need? :
"Part of what we provide for our clients is a big baby hamper full of blankets
and clothes. So it is really up to you what you would like to donate. We love
recieving quilts, toques, clothes to add to our layettes and all our clients
love them as well."
So, here is where we come in--here is where we can do a little something to show our support to those women who choose life for their children!
I propose that we sew quilts, baby clothes, etc and donate them either to your local Pregnancy Care Centre or, you can send them to me and I will bring them to the one here in Edmonton. (Just email me if you plan to send them out this way so I can give you my address!)
You can upload pictures of what you have sewn to our
Flickr group!
Plus, grab a button to share and send others this way!
<div align="center"><a href="http://fabuloushomesewn.blogspot.com/2013/05/sewing-for-pregnancy-care-centres-we.html" title="FABulous Home Sewn" target="_blank"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8401/8702496288_1eb7f6bb41_m.jpg" alt="FABulous Home Sewn" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
But, to kick this all off, we're going to have a giveaway to those who are sewing along!
These are from my stash.
I used some of each of these but there is still lots left!
Leave a blog post comment letting me know what you plan on sewing up for either your local Pregnancy Care Centre or for the
Edmonton Pregnancy Care Centre!
You must leave a way for us to contact you--either an email address in your comment or that you have an email address linked up to your profile, otherwise I cannot contact you if you win.
{Please only enter if you plan on sewing along! Thanks!}
Also, this giveaway is open to US/Canada only (sorry everyone else!)
This giveaway will end on the 10th and I'll use Random.org to pick the winner.

I do plan on having other giveaways during the next 2 months, so come back to check that out.
And, if you like, follow me on Bloglovin'!